Legal Question in Bankruptcy in Texas

yes or no question

will filing for bankruptcy hurt chances of federal financial aid, both pelt grants and stafford loans?


will it hurt the chances of a credit card being discharged if someone has been paying on that card right up until time of filing?

thank you for your time

Asked on 7/11/02, 11:34 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Andrew Nichols Law Office of Andrew B. Nichols

Re: yes or no question

In terms of federal grant money for educational purposes the fact that an applicant has filed for bankruptcy should not be a factor. My understanding is that such monies are grants and not per se loans. I think if you had attempted to eliminate student loans in the bankruptcy then this might be a negative factor in your ability to get federal grants.

Your second question is difficult for me to understand. I think you are asking whether the fact that you (or someone else?) is making payments on the credit card right before the time the bankruptcy is filed will prevent you from eliminating (discharging) the credit card debt. The answer is it will not. There might be a question as to whether or not the payments that were made amount to preferential treatment of the creditor. This is entirely different issue. Please give me a call to discuss your situation in more detail. ph. (214) 979-7330 or (800) 303-0720

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Answered on 7/12/02, 10:38 am

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