Legal Question in Bankruptcy in Texas

My Vehicle!!!

I am thinking of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I am a single mom with two boys. We live with my dad. Because of mounting credit card bills and my ex not paying C.S. on time and always skipping a couple of payments I am totally in over my head. One son has a vehicle that is in my name (he promised to make payments but never does and he needs it to go to work WHEN HE IS WORKING) and I have a 1997 Grand Cherokee Jeep that my dad bought me because I really needed a vehicle to get to work and drive my younger son to school. My dad paid for it in full by check. It is in my name. Am I going to loose it? I really need it for work and to drive my youngest son to school not to mention to school activities, dr. appointments and son on. I can not even sleep thinking that it will be taken away from me. I hope someone will try to answer my question. Thanks!!!!!!!!

Asked on 3/17/02, 12:29 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Lawrence Maun Lawrence J. Maun, P.C.

Re: My Vehicle!!!

In texas you are entitled to $30,000.00 in persoanl property exemptions as a single person. this would include the value of your vehicle. Thus, if you vehicle is worth less than $30,000.00 you could keep it as well as other personal property so long as the value does not exceed $30,000.00. This is a simple answer which does not purport to analyze the toal exemptions or the proper category of exemptions that may be available to you. Larry Maun 713.266.2560

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Answered on 3/18/02, 12:28 pm

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