Legal Question in Business Law in Texas

Verbal Contract Obligations

In October,2001, my mother and I went to our cater and decided on the menu and prices. My mother paid a $200.00 deposit. They did not notify us themselves that they were raising their prices to almost double. We found out through another person having a wedding at the same location. My question is do we have a legal contract with the prices that were decided verbally in October. The representative never told us that the prices could change.

Asked on 1/10/02, 8:05 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Peter Bradie Bradie, Bradie & Bradie

Re: Verbal Contract Obligations

You have a contract for them to cater your affair, but without any written pricing, it's your word against theirs as to what the price should be. Your deposit affirms the fact that there is a contract.

You'll probably be better off paying their price then suing them for the difference. If the difference is under $5,000, you can sue them in Small Claims Court and don't need a lawyer.

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Answered on 1/11/02, 10:22 am

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