Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Texas
Death on homeowner property in Texas.
My daughter committed sucide at her male friend's home, they had been having an affair for couple of years, he is married, he knew she was severely deppressed, both of them uses drugs together, and he gave her a key to his home, taught her to shoot his guns, and she killed herself with his gun on his property in Texas, can I sue him for anything due to his gross negligence. He knew she was thinking of sucide and he taught her to use a gun, gave her a key to his home. Doesnt he have any responsibility for this/
4 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Death on homeowner property in Texas.
Hello there,
I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter.
If you want to go after this individual you are going to have the burden of proving that he knew she was suicidal and that he didn't take measures to keep his weapons away from her.
Litigation can become very difficult on families so you should know what you are facing.
But, yes you would have a cause of action against the individual and his homeowners policy would have to pay if you can prove your case.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Again I am sorry for your loss.
Erick Platten
Re: Death on homeowner property in Texas.
Hello there,
I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter.
If you want to go after this individual you are going to have the burden of proving that he knew she was suicidal and that he didn't take measures to keep his weapons away from her.
Litigation can become very difficult on families so you should know what you are facing.
But, yes you would have a cause of action against the individual and his homeowners policy would have to pay if you can prove your case.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Again I am sorry for your loss.
Erick Platten
Re: Death on homeowner property in Texas.
Hello there,
I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter.
If you want to go after this individual you are going to have the burden of proving that he knew she was suicidal and that he didn't take measures to keep his weapons away from her.
Litigation can become very difficult on families so you should know what you are facing.
But, yes you would have a cause of action against the individual and his homeowners policy would have to pay if you can prove your case.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Again I am sorry for your loss.
Erick Platten
Re: Death on homeowner property in Texas. my opinion..but the only source of payment is probably homeowner's insurance unless he has other assets...and we would consider the or email reply with more particulars..
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