Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Texas

Mother took car that was in her name but I paid for it can I get it back?

I am wondering if I an take my mother to court to get a car back that she took away from me that was in her name but I paid for it. No written agreement. I have transcripts from her divorce (and was on her side!!!) stating that I drive a car in her name and pay her for it. Have email from her letting me know how much the payment for the house was going to be for 2004 as well as amount for car and insurance. We had an arguement over something and she came and took car away. I am a single mother of two kids.I first started driving car in her name when mine broke down. I needed a car right away so she said take mine, pay for it and its yours. Later she needed someone to move into her and my dad's house (and I needed a house) so I moved in and have been for the past 5 years. I was awarded house in her divorce as my property and both were ordered to sign deed but has not yet. So need help with that. The gas and water was in her name so when she took the car away she turned those off to! And it was 30 below outide and needed heat for my kids....her grandkids!!! I work very hard for what I have and am not on any government assist. I am grateful for what my parents have done but don't think this is fair! Also I my dad will testify for me.

Asked on 1/13/05, 3:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Regina Mullen Legal Data Services, PLC

Re: Mother took car that was in her name but I paid for it can I get it back?

Your parents had no business putting you in the middle of their divorce, and you need to wise up and get out of the middle of it. Taking your mother to court is not going to solve the problems your family has. I suggest getting a mediator to work it out and keep it out of the courts. If your Dad is so willing to help, ask him for a car and make it your business to refuse to help EITHER parent beat up on the other. When your kids get older, you'll appreciate not having torn them apart the way your parents are doing to you.

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Answered on 1/14/05, 11:30 am

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