Legal Question in Consumer Law in Texas

sample purchase w/additional charges

i purchased a diet supplement sample for a small fee, 4.95. the company then charge me 75.00 because i failed to call within 15 days to cancel my membership. i admit i failed to read the fine print. i assume it did require me to call. can they do that. do i have any recourse to get my money back. what should i say when i call them.

Asked on 12/24/08, 1:39 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

TC Langford Langford Law Office

Re: sample purchase w/additional charges

It is impossible to say, without reading what you signed or agreed to -- but if the obligation was clearly spelled out, then you are probably obligated to what you contracted for.

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Answered on 12/26/08, 8:17 am

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