Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Texas

Car contract altered

My car was repossessed because I fell back on my payments when I was laid off from work. I called the finance company and asked if they would give me the car back if I paid the amount I am behind plus 6 more months in advance. They said no because part of my contract agreement was for me to be employed and since I was now unemployed I would have to pay the full amount for the car to get it back. If I was employed then I could have gotten the car back by paying the amount I was behind. I asked for a copy of my contract and it has been altered. The signature is not mine and the car that is one the contract is not the same as the one that was repossessed.

Is there some way I can get my car back because of the contract being altered?

Thank you so very much.


Asked on 12/07/04, 5:05 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Sharon Campbell Sharon K. Campbell

Re: Car contract altered

I can only give a typical lawyer's answer: Maybe. Are any of the other terms on the contract different than you remember agreeing to? Do you have your own copy that you can compare? Second, after repossessing, they are supposed to notify you so that you can retrieve any personal possession which are in the vehicle and also send you written notice of when the car will be sold. You have until that date to redeem the vehicle. If they don't send that letter, you have a remedy for that violation.

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Answered on 12/07/04, 5:18 pm

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