Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Texas
Car Purchase Problems
Several years ago my daughter Melissa Morris and her live in partner William Goodman went to a local Mit. Dealership here in North Texas and wanted to get a larger vehicle for the family. They originally traded their 2000 payoff car for a Ford Explorer which they insured and drove for 3 weeks wanting on the paperwork to be completed. The day before they were to leave Texas for jobs in Florida the dealership told them that they couldn't but them in the 23,000.00 Ford Explorer. They asked for their other vehicle back but the dealership had already sent the car for auction and said they would get them into something else. They were then given a Mit. Montero at (34,000) which the finance officer told them that since they were leaving the next day that they needed to have someone here in Texas co-sign for the vehicle until William could provide proof of employment. They asked me to help which I only agreed to when I was told my this financial officer that once proof of employment was sent that my name would come off the vehicle and his would be added. To make a long story short this was all a lie. The finance company never agreed to the purchase of the Montero because their credit wasn't good enough they were (need more space)
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Car Purchase Problems
i gather that now your daughter and William have defaulted on the loan and the finance company is coming after you. If you can prove these oral statments you might have a case against them. Your testimony is some evidence, but not likely enough because you are an interested person. Thus, you will very likely be on the hood for the debt incurred by your daughter and her friend. Sorry.