Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Texas

Credit Reporting Problems

We bought a car on a smart buy deal, we were told we needed to refinance the car in order to keep it or we could return it. The company wanted around $5,000 to refinance the car and the car at the time was not worth that much and was having recall issues so we took the car back to the dealership, where it sat for 3 months before being returned to the bank it was financed through. The dealership was supposed to take care of any problems with the bank and got us a new car that day. Now we are recieving letters saying that we owe a lot of money for missing wheels, and damages to the car. When we returned the car there were dents in the door from people parking to close and a scratch on the trunk, but not any of the problems that they listed on the letter. We called and talked to people at the bank and tried to work out the problem and they refused to settle it with us. They have now reported it to the credit beruea that we owe over $5,000 and our credit is now messed up what can we do?

Asked on 3/02/05, 9:36 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Credit Reporting Problems

More information is needed, but it sounds like you may have an action against the dealer.

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Answered on 3/03/05, 10:44 am

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