Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Texas
Old debt resurfacing
Last year my wife and I purchased a home. Since then I have been getting letters from creditors regarding old debt from over 7 years ago when I was in the military. Some of them are even 10 years old. 95% of them are not even on my credit report anymore.
What is the best course of action for me to take? should I send a cease and desist letter? Or a dispute letter?
Asked on 10/22/06, 3:16 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Sharon Campbell
Sharon K. Campbell
Re: Old debt resurfacing
Yes; send a cease and desist letter.Also, check your credit report to make sure they are not reporting there. The statute of limitations for suit on a debt in Texas is four years.
Answered on 10/24/06, 8:47 pm