Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Texas

Disputed Debt... Can I prevent collection calls?

I've received a violation invoice from our local tollway authority. This is NOT a ticket and there is no court involvement at this point.

There are three incidents charged to my license plate that are erroneous. I can and will provide evidence in court that my car was not anywhere near the tollway at the time of the alleged offeses. I assume the automatic reader misread a similar license plate.

I've contacted the tollway by telephone and email. They have NO RESOLUTION process. Basically, their position is pay the fine or get sent to a collection agency. If I still don't pay they send it to DPS for adjudication.

I'm prepared to go to court to fight this. However, I want to prevent calls from collection agencies and any negative report on my credit.

Is there a way to head prevent this disputed charge from going to a collection agency before this ends up in court? As I see it, they count on people paying just to avoid collection, even if the charge is inaccurate.


Asked on 8/05/06, 6:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

James Grissom Law Office of James P. Grissom

Re: Disputed Debt... Can I prevent collection calls?

Depending on how prepared you are, you need a TRO and a petition for declaratory judgment. This sounds interesting. contact me by e-mail to discuss this further.

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Answered on 8/07/06, 10:51 am

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