Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Texas
Law Suit
I have been sued by a company for a disputed credit card bill. I live in Texas and was served for a court date in Louisiana. The bill was reported as a charg-off by the credit card company in 2002 yet the company who bought the account re-reported it as an inflated amount again to the credi bureau (I protested and it was recently removed by the credit bureau). Does Louisiana have jurisdiction and since the orginal dispute with the credit company was about billing errors that they promised but never resolved. Do I have any recourse because of the damage to credit; higher interest rates slander and the illegal practices of the ''collection company''?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Law Suit
I don't know what the credit agreement says about the correct place to file a lawsuit. If you signed something that allows the company to file a lawsuit against you in LA, then you will have to contest the lawsuit it LA. I don't know what the rules are for lawsuits in LA, but in TX you could file a motion to transfer venue. If the statute of limitations has expired (I don't know what the SOL in LA is), you would have to answer with that defense. If this is important to you, retain a lawyer in LA to respond to this lawsuit.