Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Texas
can no longer pay credit cards
I have 80k or more in Credit Card debit and can no longer pay. Loss of income and investment loss. No savings left, just a few mortgaged properties. Three and I live in one. I am looking into Chapter 7 (I also have no money to pay for)
I have missed 3 or 4 payments on the cards (5 different ones)
The banks keep calling me what if anything should I say?
I have tried to work it out with 1 bank but they still are asking for more per month then I can pay and the rates are 30% or more.
Can you advise me what to say to the banks, what path to take, so I can keep my properties. Also I am self employed so No paycheck, business pays for itself with maybe 1,000 net per month.
Thank you
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: can no longer pay credit cards
These questions can best be answered by a bankruptcy attoreney. I doubt that there would be a charge for consultation.