Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Texas


My husband and i told our car loan bank to come get the car. We could no longer afford it and we were voluntarily reposesing the car. They came to get it 3 days later. Now they are harrassing us every day wanting to know when we are going to pay the remaining balance. They sold the car at auction and are wanting the remainder of the loan. Can they take us to court? Are we obligated to pay it? I have told them over and over we don't have the money that is why we said come get it. They are calling every day and saying they are going to get there money one way or another. What can i do?

Asked on 8/09/06, 3:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

James Grissom Law Office of James P. Grissom

Re: Reposes

The bank can come after you for the balance of the payments, collection costs, attorneys fees court costs as part of the expense of repossessing the car. Write them a letter, send it certified mail, tell them to stop calling you and if they call you, hang up on them. There is no law that says you have to listen to them, just because they are trying to collect from you.

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Answered on 8/09/06, 3:56 pm

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