Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Texas
Can Wells Fargo seize money from my bank account?
I am being sued by Wells Fargo for some private student loans that defaulted. Wells Fargo and my current lawyer both say that they, Wells Fargo, will get a judgment and then can seize money from my bank accounts if I don't pay them. This case has already been assigned a judge and court date. Is this true that they can seize money? What can I do about this? The loan amount is about 40K. I currently bank at a teacher's credit union.
Thank you.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Can Wells Fargo seize money from my bank account?
They can seize money from your bank account if they get a judgment against you and sounds like they are well on the way to doing that. Now would be a good time to see a lawyer. It would likely be to late after they seize the account.