Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas
What am I looking at for a 1st offense charge of Assault Causing Bodily Injury/Family Violence? My court date is 8/20/2009 in Galveston County, TX, and I intend to just plead guilty and get it over with.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Based on what you have written, there are multiple potential options available to you. Dependent upon the specifics of your case, you may be eligible for some form of pre-trial diversion. First, who is the family member that you allegedly assaulted? Second, when the alleged offense occur? Third, what were the alleged injuries? Fourth, who notified the police? Fifth, have you made any statements to anyone regarding this criminal charge? You should consider contact a local law firm to assist you with defense/preparation of your case. If my local law firm can assist you with this legal issue or any other legal matter, please contact us at to arrange for an initial consultation.
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