Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas

Arrest for furnishing alcohol to minors

The cops busted a party my friend was hosting. There were minors drinking, and the cops gave them all MIPs. My friend took responsibility for throwing the party. The cops questioned her, and then took inventory on all the alcohol at the party and confiscated it. They then told her that they ''could arrest her if they wanted to''. They then told her that someone from the police department would contact her next week, to let her know if they decide to press charges. She was not issued a citation at this time. 10 days later, the police department contacts her via phone and tells her there is a warrant out for her arrest , for furnishing alcohol to minors, and she should come turn herself in or they will come pick her up. Is there a legal basis for the police department to act in this manner? Can they not charge you with anything at the time of the offense, and then come back 10 days later and issue a warrant for your arrest? What legal options does she have? Thank you.

Asked on 9/24/07, 7:29 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

TC Langford Langford Law Office

Re: Arrest for furnishing alcohol to minors

Yes they can. I would not be surprised if one or some of the minors have, in the interim, given statements that she furnished the alcohol. She needs to get a lawyer. The lawyer will arrange for her bond, and will confirm the warrant, and get a copy of the complaints. She should not discuss this situation with anyone, at all, except her lawyer.

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Answered on 9/25/07, 7:49 am

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