Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas

Are charges likely? If so, what should I expect/do?

I was accused of touching and revealing myself to a minor, under my supervision, at my work. The accusations could not be corroborated however I quit at the urging of the company investigator.

Is the company required to report its findings to the authorities? Am I likely to face criminal charges? It's been 6 weeks since the alleged 'incident' occurred. If am, what would I be facing and what should I do? Do I need a lawyer now?


Asked on 10/04/07, 7:28 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ryan Bormaster D. Miller & Associates, P.L.L.C.

Re: Are charges likely? If so, what should I expect/do?

You should be concerned, but not alarmed. Remember, the best defense is often times a good offense. I am not sure why you would quit if the accusations are false and there is no one to back them up. I would have fought for the job. You may have a claim against the company for constructive discharge in violation of United States Law for hostile work place discrimination. I would file a claim with the EEOC as soon as you can. As for the criminal side of things, there is no way to know for sure, but is never a bad Idea to have an attorney poke around to see if anything is on anyone's radar---a good one will do this without tipping anyone off that he /she actually has a client that is worried---so it stays off there radar if it is not already on it. If you would like to talk more, email my legal assistant, Caroline Smith at "[email protected]" and we can go from there.


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Answered on 10/05/07, 9:17 am

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