Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas

Credit Card Abuse

My 19 year old son was just arrested for credit card abuse. He has two priors both misdemeanors - substance abuse (minimum) & failure to give information.

He has not seen the judge yet, but has already entered a plead of guiltfy. We are in Texas, any clue what sentence he might get? He was studying to go into the Military and wants to advise Judge, becuase I think he won't be able to if he has a felony. Any chance the Judge would lesson the charge?

Asked on 8/18/08, 3:12 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jeffrey Brashear The Brashear Law Firm, PLLC

Re: Credit Card Abuse

Based on what you have written, when did your son enter his plea? Additionally, the biggest question is what was the amount that your son allegedly charged for the credit card abuse criminal charge? The amount will be the DA's basis for the charge being a misdemeanor or felony. As for the judge potentially granting some form of clemency, that is completely within the judge's discretion. If you son is desiring to enter the military, he should really seek assistance from a defense law firm in finalizing this charge. If my defense law firm can assist you our your son with this legal issue or any other legal matter, please contact my legal assistant Jennifer ( to arrange for an initial consultation.

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Answered on 8/19/08, 12:49 pm

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