Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas
false/miss legal representation
I was falsely represented on part of my council and due to lack of knowledge I was convicted of a felony for a shoplifting/assult 1st time offense charge. I want to appeal and/or close the record in order to attain a decent job. I have a HS diploma and cannot even gt a job flipping hamburgers as it is be reported ''theft to a person/corpse'', which makes me out to be not only a distrusting perosn but deranged to boot! that one poor decision to hangout with wrong people, being young and promarily obtaining a dishonest attorney has put my life on hold indefinitely. This was a first offense,I barely turned 18 a mo prior and to graduate 3 mos later.
I completed all stipulation of my probation satisfactorily in Mar of 06 and now nothing to compliment my life since! I cannot even get a Job at McDonalds?
Desperately seeking help to rectify the awful mistake. Going on 25 with no hope in sight.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: false/miss legal representation
The first thing that you have to do is take responsibility for your own actions. Second, see if you can file either an expungement or a non-disclosure to help you obtain a job. Good life to you and may God bless you.
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