Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas
I met someone from another state and fell in love.. He came down to meet me and new he was on parole.. He went back to turn him self in for missing his parole date.. He doesnt have any warrents out for his arrest can i get in trouble? And if i marry him will Mty kids be taken away?
1 Answer from Attorneys
You cannot get into trouble as long as you do not harbor a fugitive.
As far as your children, it depends on the nature of his offense as to what the kids' father(s) might be able to do about custody should you live with or marry him.
You need to get all the facts about this guy. Order a copy of his record from the county in which he was prosecuted. Google him. Considering hiring a private investigator where he lives / was convicted. Your children should come first.
(Please do not think I think every person who has a criminal record or who has been to prison is bad; far from it. I just think that given that he missed his parole date, he does not sound like he is very reliable or trying to stay out of trouble and go the straight and narrow....)
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