Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas

O/M paid herself tons of hrs of unauth. overtime/what r my rights as employer?

I fired my office manager Thursday after doing a review of our Quickbooks and discovering that she has been paying herself (and another employee who I fired a month ago, thus the audit) since at LEAST 1-1-06. I was to prosecute her for theft/embezzlement/. How do I start? Who do go to? I would really like to not pay an attorney on top of $100K+ she has stolen) Call,,the DA? the news? Plz advise.

Asked on 9/01/07, 5:02 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

TC Langford Langford Law Office

Re: O/M paid herself tons of hrs of unauth. overtime/what r my rights as employer?

Do not call the media -- you may say something that ends up being slanderous. Call the police. They will review your evidence. If she is convicted, repayment/resitution could be part of the sentence. Be prepared that the money is probably long gone, and will be difficult to recover.

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Answered on 9/03/07, 6:16 pm

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