Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas
Original arrest report.
A grandchild has been arrested and arrainged. Has been appointed a pro bono. Am I entitled to a copy of the original arrest report?
If so where do I start?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Original arrest report.
Your grandchild has received a court-appointed attorney, not a pro bono attorney. A court-appointed attorney is paid for his or her services at a discounted rate by the county. A pro bono attorney donates his or her time and is not paid at all.
Your grandchild's attorney will receive a copy of the police report with discovery. Discovery is the process by which the state gives the defense copies of the documents it has regarding the case.
You may or may not be able to get a copy of the police report from the police agency. You can certainly ask; however, often the police withhold the release if this information for ongoing investigation.
It is probably best to wait for the discovery from the lawyer and then you, your grandchild and the attorney can discuss all the information.
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