Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas

Police Jurisdiction

What are the powers of police officers outside their jurisdictional area(city police outside the city limits) as concerns their authority to issue tickets and make arrests?

Asked on 10/18/01, 4:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Victor Hobbs Victor E. Hobbs

Re: Police Jurisdiction

In California their powers are statewide. However they normally don't exercise these powers too far from their home jurisdictions. Since traveling to a distant court is a problem. Normally the police budgets don't permit a lot of traveling. So the exercise of their powers are normally reserved for only the most serious crimes committed in their presence out side their juristictions. And usually only crimes that have the possibility for serious personally injury to citizens. You might someday find the person behind you in the bank is an off duty police officer and when you're threatened by a bank robber, the officer will step up and defend you. It's happened before and I'm certain that it'll happen again.

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Answered on 11/22/01, 10:21 am

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