Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas

Statutory Rape

My boyfriend and I were ''caught'' together. He is 20 and I am 16. My mom originally pressed charges but she has now decided to drop them. Currently we are waiting to hear from the DA as to how he will handle our case. My boyfriend is being charged with statutory rape, meaning it was consensual. I live Texas and I have heard of something called the ''Romeo and Juliet'' act/law. I know it is applicable in Texas but is it applicable in our situation? He is currently in college, becoming an RN and I am extremely worried that this could ruin his career and in turn, the rest of his life. Is there anything I should aware of that could possibly save him?

Asked on 8/21/08, 5:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

TC Langford Langford Law Office

Re: Statutory Rape

Yes, you should be aware that he needs a good lawyer. The age of consent is 17 in Texas. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution that the defendant and complainant were within 3 years age difference. You and he were not. There are many men in prison and registered sex offenders for exactly this scenario. Keep your pants on, and tell him to get a lawyer.

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Answered on 8/21/08, 7:24 pm

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