Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas

tow truck company


A tow company tow my car for know reason off private proerty. My manger told them not to tow from my unit but they did. I went the next morning to get my car and i returned home and told my manger. so she called the tow company and they agreed to returnto me a full the klast minute they back out. they also damaged my car. I went to small claims court but I fill out the papers wrong.,and i only had 14 days to sue who can i sue to get my money back and for my damages to my car. I think since i filled out the paper work wrong when i went to court my 14 days had ran out plaese help me.

Asked on 10/13/07, 6:34 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

TC Langford Langford Law Office

Re: tow truck company

Why do you think you only have 14 days to sue them? Did the court deny your claim, and grant them a judgment? Or did you dismiss your case? How long has it been?

I don't know if it is too late for a lawyer to help you; sometimes when you handle it yourself, it causes you to lose some of your rights, but there might still be time to salvage your case. Talk to a lawyer. It is worth the consultation fee -- most Bar Associations have a consultation policy with a reduced fee arrangement.

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Answered on 10/19/07, 11:56 am

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