Legal Question in Criminal Law in Texas

Can warrant be issued without ticket

My son was involved with a few kids in a car keying incident a year ago at school. At he time because he was present he was suspended from school for 1 day. He received the least suspension out of the group. A year later he was a witness to something and when the police officier took his statement he ran a check on him and told him he was arrested due to a warrant being issued but could not tell him what for. I called the school police and spoke to the officier who handled the keying incident and asked if a ticket was issued and she said no, she did not issue a ticket but it was transferred to the police dpt from the school. She said they probably by-passed the ticket and went straight to a warrant because the tickets being sent out were back logged. My question is.... Can a warrant be issued without a ticket, no notice? Thank You

Asked on 5/28/03, 4:17 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Basil Hoyl Law office of Basil Hoyl

Re: Can warrant be issued without ticket


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Answered on 5/30/03, 9:52 am

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