Legal Question in Discrimination Law in Texas

Discrimination/ Now no work

I worked 6 yrs. for one of the world's largest soft drink companies in the world. Last nov. myself and one other employee that worked in my dept,were told our jobs were no more, but we could drive 2 hrs. away if we wanted to transfer, but we could not aford it. We were told we could reapply for any jobs that opened in our plant to see if we qualified.We both applied for positions, but were both passed over for a man that had worked with the company for 6 months parttime. They made us sign termination contracts before we were told if either one of us were told if we qualified for a position at our own plant ,but if we didn't sign then we didn't get our couple of weeks of separation pay. I had never been written up. Three days after i was let go they fired an full time employee, i even reapplied for his job in witch i had done and was still turned down. I had found out rude things that had been said about me by my supervisor at other large plants by other supervisor, this had happened much, I had been lied on by my supervisor to the manager. I had went to the manager, but was told to forget it. The termination papers we had to sign were supposed to be signed by a witness, and companies initials, but were'nt. There's much more.

Asked on 7/21/04, 11:23 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Discrimination/ Now no work

It may be that you are the victim of discrimination. If you were passed over for an available position in favor of a less qualified employee of a different race, sex, national origin or substantially younger, you may have a claim for employment discrimination.

If you would like to consult with us in regards to this situation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Answered on 7/22/04, 10:37 am

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