Legal Question in Family Law in Texas

Child Abandonment?

My stepdaughter is 17 and has not lived with us for several years. She had a baby at the age of 13 and could not care for her. My stepdaugter left the baby with a known family temporary 6 months. This letter was legally notized. Six months went by and she never picked her up. This family has cared for her for one year now. Today, My stepdaughter and a police officer demanded this family to give the baby up to the mom. CPS gave this family a document stating not to give the baby to the mother because she was unfit to have her. But because the officer threatend this family they felt they had to giver her up. Does this famiy have a case of child abandonment? Should they get a lawyer to fight for custody?



Asked on 10/24/01, 10:39 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

John A. Giffen Law Offices of John A. Giffen

Re: Child Abandonment?

Yes you have an abandonement case. If a child is left without provision for support or contact for 6 months or longer you can file a petition for adoption and terminate the parents parental rights. You need to contact an adoption attorney in your area right away. do not delay. do not try and do this yourself. these are very complicated and needs someone who has experience in abondonement and adoption.

John A. Giffen

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Answered on 11/22/01, 2:18 pm

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