Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
Child Custody
I am a father inquiring about how I can go about getting custody of my 7 yr. old daughter. I have evidence that her mother is unfit from her neighbors to police reports and her dentist.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Child Custody
The best way to do this is find a lawyer who will do the job for you for the money you will have to pay. Assemble all you proof. It must be in admissible form. Many people think because they have a piece of paper that it is admissible in court, but if the other side objects, you have to be prepared to admit proof in alternative fashion. Good Luck.
Re: Child Custody
If her grades are bad, or she has excessive unexcused absences -- that adds a lot too.
I assume that you are in regular communication with all her teachers and everyone at her school. If not, start doing so.
You need witnesses -- anyone that has personal knowledge can testify. People must have seen, heard, etc. and they can testify.
Don't waste your money on a p.i. They can only testify to what they have actually seen or heard.
You need a strong family law attorney. I know a couple that are reasonable priced.
Email directly for their names.
Fran Brochstein