Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
child custody
I share joint custody with my ex, only he never showed up to court, I was told that any visitation and time that he wants our son is up to me, I,ve been very leinient with my ex. but lately he's taking to much advantage of this,he doesn't go by what we both mutualy agree, and now wants me to let him keep our son for 6 mo. out of the year, I,m afraid this will affect his school. I'm tired of all this mess should I let the court decide and if so will the case be affected if he resides in N.M.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: child custody
Some orders say "visitation as agreed, otherwise, standard visitation" or words to that effect. I don't know what your order says, but you should probably send him a certifed letter saying that you will only go by standard visitation in the future. You're going to have to stand up to him on this. Probably won't be easy. Good Luck.