Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
Child Support Agency
I don't understand why the child support agency is holding my most recent payment and they haven't displayed it as being received. I'm the custodial parent and I have a current order to receive payments from the NonCP. The disbursement agency is showing the most current order in the system and a holding order set in place by the child support agency. At first I was told the payment wasn't sent EFT and was probably lost. I called the NCPs payment distributor and they game me the tracking number. I gave that number to the child support agency and they claimed it wasn't lost but on hold. I was told that a child support order dated back two years ago was up into the system recently which conflicted with the current order so payments to me have been stopped. I was also told that my case may have came up for review and that's probably what halted payments. I was not informed that my case was up for review plus it hasn't been three years since the recent order was established. I do know the NCP is in arrears and he maybe contesting the amount due in the system. Doesn't he have the burden of proof.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Child Support Agency
A lawyer could probably cut through this red tape quicker, but I doubt if you are in a position to hire a lawyer to resolve the problem.
It sounds as if you are doing everything right, and need to keep being the 'squeaky wheel'. This agency considers itself overworked, and polite, friendly-but-firm, daily phone calls and/or letters will probably get them off of high-center.
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