Legal Question in Family Law in Texas

child welfare (CPS)

I was visited by a CPS agent for allegations(false), made against me by a vindictive neighbor. The allegations were that my son was too thin, playing outside unsupervised late at night, hitting him requiring hospitilization, chooking my daughter and that I smoke marijuana outdoors. Not even ten minutes into the questions the agent said she believed that I do smoke marijuana subjuectd me to a drug test and then made arreangements for my children to be placed with my mom. If she had asked all the people except my neighbor if these allegations were true I guarantee you that the reponses would have been no. Then before leaving she inspected my dwelling which I have no paraphenilia to substantiate her beliefs. And had she inquired about my sons health she would know that he is just fine as is with my daughter, who is a gifted and talented A-B student, my son is just as intelligent. What can I do? I am awaitng to hear from her. What if the test comes back inconclusive for any reason? Am I legally obligated to obilge to any more? Had I known that I did nothave to let her in without asearch warrant I would not have. My children are my soul, and I am in despair but live in housin, unemployed and going to school again.

Asked on 6/04/09, 7:59 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

TC Langford Langford Law Office

Re: child welfare (CPS)

Contact Legal Aid and Catholic Charities for legal representation; if they cannot provide an attorney, ask for referrals. Fighting CPS can be an arduous task, and you need help. In the meantime, keep calling about the test results.

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Answered on 6/04/09, 3:19 pm

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