Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
Can , I get a court order to have my 29 year old daughter put in rehab ? If so what steps do, I need to take ? I don't know what area of law this would be.
Asked on 10/22/09, 11:22 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Jeffrey Brashear
The Brashear Law Firm, PLLC
Based on what you have written, there are requirements which must be met prior to having someone involuntarily put into a rehab program. You may want to consider speaking to a law firm so that a full understanding of the details may be disclosed and a more in-depth discussion regarding potential outcomes may be explored by you. If my law firm can assist you with this legal issue or any other legal matter, please contact us at to arrange for an initial consultation.
Answered on 10/27/09, 12:01 pm