Legal Question in Family Law in Texas


So i am 19 and me and my husband have a 15 month old together. My husband is a total deadbeat dad. He works 40 hours a week and that is the extent of his job in life. He has never given our daughter a bath or changed a diaper and he does not spend any time with her what so ever and he lives with her! He does not watch her while she is eating and leaves little chokable things on the ground and a zillion other things he does to not deserve to get her if we got a divorce but he has nothing like jail time or any of that so how likely is it i would get full custody? He has already told me that if we leave he will fight me for full custody but he does not even want her, he would judt do it to upset me. So basically just what are the laws in Texas and how do they decide who gets custody?

Asked on 1/31/08, 1:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

TC Langford Langford Law Office

Re: custody

You are both very young, and under tremendous stress trying to raise a baby and work full-time.

Divorce may not be the best option. Maybe counseling would help de-stress your situation.

IF you divorce, you will probably end up as joint managing conservators, with you as the primary and him with visitation rights -- that is a general assumption based on the few facts available.

Primary conservatorship is determined by what the judge deems is in the best interest of the child.

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Answered on 2/01/08, 8:30 am

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