Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
Divorce & Conservatorship when MI is involved
Can a spouse obtain a third party as a conservatorship (only over money) for their partner during a divorce. My husband has had MI for 5 years; and for the first time recently is in a extreme manic state - I am trying to protect him so he will have money to last him for years to come vs. spending it all immediately.
Asked on 4/03/09, 5:52 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Patricia F. Bushman
Re: Divorce & Conservatorship when MI is involved
No. He is not a child. The family courts do not have the authority to do that. What you are talking about is being the Guardian of his Estate. That is done through the Probate Courts. It is not an easy or cheap procedure. Talk to a good attorney who handles guardianships.
Answered on 4/03/09, 6:07 pm