Legal Question in Family Law in Texas

enforcement of judges orders

If a juge orders a person to do certain things and the person does not do what the judge orders, how can you make the person do what the judge orders.

In a recent custody suit, my daughter's husband was ordered to have a psychiatric

evaluation. He has not complied with that order. Is it up to the judge that issued the order to make sure he follows through? Is it the lawyers obligation to infor the judge whether or not the order has been obeyed.

Asked on 11/23/01, 5:51 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Stephen A. Nicholas Nicholas and Barrera, P.C.

Re: enforcement of judges orders

If you have an attorney, call him or her ... If

you do not and live in San Antonio Texas area or

within 100 miles, please call 210.224.5811. This

is in the nature of an enforcement action and can

become somewhat expensive ...

Best Regards,

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Answered on 11/24/01, 3:44 pm
Jean Sudduth Jean Sudduth, Attorney at law

Re: enforcement of judges orders

Many times, people think that once a court order is given the judge calls up and checks on how things are going. Or they think attorneys keep following what is happening somehow. Well a judge can hold someone in contempt for failing to follow court orders but it will take hiring an attorney, filing a motion for contempt and having a hearing. If the person is found to be in contempt they can be put in jail. The law considers jail very serious so the burden of proof is a high standard. I suggest calling your original lawyer or a new one if you are unhappy but it will cost more in legal fees to go back to court.

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Answered on 12/06/01, 9:08 am
Walter Blocker Walter l. Blocker, III P.C.

Re: enforcement of judges orders

the judge has the authority to enforce his own ordes in alabama, however, the disobedience of his order by a party must be brought to the judges attention by someone - usually an attorney. enforcement by a judge of his own order can be by holding the disobedient party in contempt - either civil or criminal.

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Answered on 11/28/01, 11:48 am

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