Legal Question in Family Law in Texas

Extended summer possession by mother: 21 days

Regarding that my ex-spouse has given me written notice as per decree & has requested two weekends during my extended summer possession it states that she does have 21 days to have possession of them after they are with me (dad). I get them from June 6 to July 18. My confusion is when she gets them on July 19th thru Aug.8th she said I do not have my 2nd & 4th weekends during her extended summer possession (month of July); is this true?? ...It states verbatim from the decree like this......the mother may designate 21days beginning no later than 7 days before school resumes at the end of the summer vacation in that year, to be excercised in no more than 2 separate periods of a at least 7 consecutive days each, during which the father shallnot have possession of the child, provided that they do not interfere with fathers day weekend or fathers period. Am I entitled to still be able to see my children on weekends during this time??? She is able to during my extended possession, it does not seem fair. They live with her all year long and she still gets to dictate during my time. HOw is this fair??? please help.

Asked on 3/28/08, 2:46 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Extended summer possession by mother: 21 days

Your really need to sit down with a family law attorney in person and let him or her review your Order. Without reading the entire possession order there is no way to comment on your situation.

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Answered on 3/29/08, 12:22 pm

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