Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
I filed for custody of my nephew who I have taken care of for two years. He is now 2 1/2 and mom went to pick him up from the babysitters house. Along with my petition there is a standing order that states the child is not to be moved or hiden but mom did just that. What am I able to do since she violated the standing order?
1 Answer from Attorneys
File a motion to enforce the standing order. I am very familiar with the Courts in Dallas County and can assure you that they take the standing order very seriously. You also need to get some temporary orders in place as soon as you can.
Your first step should be to set up a consultation with a good family law attorney. It will cost you a little, but the advice you get and the roadmap that the attorney will give you is well worth it even if you don't hire the attorney to represent you.
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