Legal Question in Family Law in Texas

Follow Up to Seperate Property

The agreement we made on the amount of money he would pay toward bills was never met, he was only suppose to pay $500 toward the $1700+ per month mortgage for the first home and half utilities. For 4 months he paid nothing and when he did, it was $300 to $400 total. Now that we're in the second home, again, he paid mortgage for two months and paid portions of the utilities. And when I started back to work he lost his job again and now I'm paying everything all over again and he's been laid off since February. He caused me to lose my job 6 months ago, by emailing pics of me in my underwear to management. The job paid $42.50 per hour and I was out of work for 4 months, therefore, I had to spend $10,000 from my savings to maintain the first house because it wasn't leased. Tell me if I responsible for continuing to take care of him after the divorce. I want both of my houses, the first one is in the process of being sold. One last question, the first house has about $30,000 equity, again this is a house I purchased before we married, is he entitled to any of that equity. He lived in the house for about 10 months, but of course I paid the bills.

Asked on 5/20/03, 1:19 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

James Grissom Law Office of James P. Grissom

Re: Follow Up to Seperate Property

You really, really need to make an appointment with a lawyer in your area. It is very likely that you could retain most of the assets you're talking about, but the longer you wait, the harder it gets. The questions you are asking need a dialogue to properly answer. It would be ethically improper for me to attempt to answer these questions over the internet.

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Answered on 5/20/03, 4:07 pm
Basil Hoyl Law office of Basil Hoyl

Re: Follow Up to Seperate Property

You are in serious need of a personal legal consultation. This is too complex a framework of issues to cogently discuss in this forum. In other words, you need to make an appointment and see a lawyer in the office. My office is by DFW Airport. Should you care to make an appointment, please e-mail

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Answered on 5/20/03, 5:14 pm

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