Legal Question in Family Law in Texas

Ok. I have a friend who has been being abused really badly physically and emotionally and verbally for years. And its gotten really bad. shes 16. im 19. i know there really isnt a lot i can do but im just looking for information. Its mostly her mpom that does it but her dad doesnt do anything at all until she fights back against her mom to protect herself. then he seps in and she gets hurt by him to. thats just the physical stuff though. Ive never seen any of the big fights but ive seen and have pictures of the after results. Just saturday her mom told her she wasnt putting up with the way shes been acting and that she didnt want her anymore and that my friend should leave. so she grabbed her backpack and went to leave but her mom grabbed the backpack and tried to take it from her cuz she wasnt going to let my friend leave with anything at all and my friend wouldnt let go of it so her mom put her in a chokehold to the point of her almost passing out. thats when my friend finally let go of the bag and fought back to get away from her mom. thats when her dad finally stepped in and pulled her away. then when she tried to get out of the house he refused to let her and physically restrained her from leaving by holding her down. when she panicked and fought back to get out from under him he got kneed and bit and scratched. Stuff like thats been going on for as long as ive known her but she would never call anyone cuz she didnt want her siblings getting involved. She came to me yesterday and told me that she was terrified to go back home because she was afraid that next time her mom did something like that she didnt know if she could make her let go and was actually afraid for her life. i let her stay with me and she made a cps report. when they had us call the police and they showed they made her go back home and i talked with them and explained thing from my side and my knowledge of the family and they agreed that her mom is pretty much crazy and that the story they got was complete bull. And not everything is physical. Ive been there when her mom has benn screaming at her and telling her that its her fault the entire family is suffering and that she is a terrible selfish child that manipulates her mother to doing whatever she wants to the point that the other 5 children have been unfed and unbathed and suffering. About 2 years ago it got my friend to the point that she was going to kill herself. and her mom beat her for that to. What im asking is that all this is going on and theres really no way i know of for her to get away from it without something else happening and getting reported to the police. Im seriously worried that if something else bad enough does happen she could be severely hurt. And if she leaves then her mom just calls her a runaway and when the police come she just tells them that my friend is crazy and has been to laurel ridge wich is a mental institute. And she has but it was to get her on medicine for depression. and even the therapist there said she was depressed because of her mother. But her mom plays it like she was there because shes crazy and theyre just trying to deal with a child that has a skewed sense of reality. And the husband will lie about anything for his wife as long as she is there. if shes not hes generally honest though. But is there any way to get her out? Im not the only one that knows this is happening. There are other people to. Her friends. other adults. Even older adults so theyre ot all young like i am.

Asked on 2/01/11, 1:34 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Thomas Daley KoonsFuller PC

Call CPS TODAY. Tell them the story and give them the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all potential witnesses. If CPS ignores you, beg your friend to go to CPS with you. All reports to CPS are anonymous so her parents will never know it was HER who turned them in.

I am so sorry that your friend is living through this hell. You are a good friend and she needs you to help her take this last courageous step to stop the abuse.

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Answered on 3/10/11, 9:48 pm

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