Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
My husbands cousin abandoned her 8 yr old son and has not been heard from in over a year. The boy was living with his father who has since been sent to prison for having more than 8 DWI and a sexual assault of a child (not his son) on his record. The child was found with the father's girlfried in a 1 bedroom house in deplorable condition. No one has been assigned custody of this child. We would like to adopt the boy. What options do we have if any? In Texas.
1 Answer from Attorneys
You need to have both parents' parental rights terminated. If you can't find the mom, the court will appoint an attorney to find and/or represent her. You will have to pay for that attorney, at least until she is found. You seem to have a good case for termination, but remember that either parent is entitled to a jury trial.
Good luck to you.