Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
i have joint custody o fmy son. he is supposed to live w/ his father but is living w/ his fathers sister. i was served w/ papers by him in dec of 2007 i never recieved anything saying when our court date was so it defaulted in his name. what can i do to gain full custody of my son. as far as i know he doesnt even see his son that often.
Asked on 12/17/09, 1:06 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
Mark Dunn
Mark D. Dunn
You would file a motion for modification, have Dad served with citation, and take it from there.
The Judge's decision (or the jury's) should eb based on the best interest of the child.
Answered on 12/22/09, 1:36 pm
Fran Brochstein
Attorney & Mediator
Based on your zip code, I highly recommend PATRICIA BUSHMAN at 713-807-9405. Talk to Jessica in her office and please tell Jessica that FRAN sent you.
Good luck!
Merry Christmas!
Answered on 12/23/09, 8:37 am