Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
Our kids/step kids requested that they stay with us more frequently. They currently staty at our house, dads & step mom, Wednesday through Sunday every other month. They expressed to us they want at least 50/50. Several conversations were made through mom and dad about custody and the mom stated dad (my husband) would have to get a lawyer. The kids are 14 & 12 about to be 15 & 13 in October & November. We hired a lawyer through my job but unsure of his abilities. We were filing for kids choice and the mom with lawyer is proposing deposition. If the kids are 14 & 2 years old how could a deposition take place prior to the kids speaking with the judge??
1 Answer from Attorneys
Deposing children is a horrible idea. I would an objection to the deposition, ask the court to appoint an Amicus or Attorney Ad Litem and leave the kids as far from the court battle as is possible.