Legal Question in Family Law in Texas

Loss of paternity

My son's father is constantly drinking and doing hard drugs as well as marijuana. I have refused him visitation when he showed up for a 2 year old after no acknowledgement of the child for 13 months. He is not a stable person. Very manipulative. Over $3000, behind in child support and I have filed sexual assualt charges against him for an incident that happend 12 months ago. He does not deny the incident but I was an unwilling partner. How can I keep my son from this unstable life style.

Asked on 3/08/02, 11:11 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

James Grissom Law Office of James P. Grissom

Re: Loss of paternity

With the kind of record that you describe, there should be no problem in terminating his parental rights. Apparently he is the subject of a support order, so the case should be brought in the same court. If you need legal assistance and cannot afford an attorne, contact your local county bar association or the Texas State Bar "800" and they can likely refer you to someone who do this job for costs and expenses only - or at least a reduced fee.

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Answered on 3/09/02, 3:12 pm

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