Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
Parental custody
If a father of a minor has custody and gets remarried what right does the step-mother have in his absence?
Asked on 7/23/08, 12:00 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
TC Langford
Langford Law Office
Re: Parental custody
The question is very broad and very vague. She may have the right to take the child back and forth to school. She has the obligation to provide food, and care. She may not have the right to invasive medical treatment. These are all issues that the parties need to resolve amongst themselves, or through mediation. A judge will resolve the details if forced to, but might consider all the parties not acting in the child's best interest, if the day-to-day chores of living cannot be resolved without court intervention.
Answered on 7/30/08, 8:02 am