Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
Personal Property of an Ex-Boyfriend
I need to know how I, as a home-owner, am supposed to handle getting rid of my ex-boyfriend's clothes he's left and will not come to pick up. He states he wants his clothes, but will not come to pick them up. Legally, am I responsible for these belongings?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Personal Property of an Ex-Boyfriend
If is only an ex-boyfriend, not commonlaw husband or co-tenant; then send him a certified letter stating that his items of personal property are boxed and ready to be picked up on a reasonable date and time. Advise him that if not retrieved then the items will be considered abandoned. If he wishes to arrange pre-paid shipping he may do so. If he has not picked up or retirieved the items within 30 days of that date, you may dispose of the items.