Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
I am responsible for 50% of medical...I have not paid since 2011...he has filed in court on my non payment...I had received something of an insurance card(He provided me with a white copy sheet of paper that had a black rectangle on it that was totally unreadable) or information about our 2 kids daughter has asthma she has an two pumps and a nebulizer and requires to have an epi stic near her at all time because she is allergic to ant, bees, and wasp, and she also has allegies...Because I was on umemployment I applied for Medicaid because I was no way alouning the father to jeopardize her life with that stunt and let them know that I was not sure if the father had them on his insuance or they did get Medicaid...The father has only taken my son to the doctor once during this time...I have taken them to yearly checkup, any doctor visits, dentist, eye doctor and medicine....I have to provide my daughter extra medicine to have on file at school as well, now Medicaid has paid for this and I have never lied to them... here's the not receiving any kind of insurance information from him, since I am the one who takes off work and takes them to anything that has to do with medical appointments and since our daughter has a life or death condition if not treated a defense for not paying my portion of the medical support???
1 Answer from Attorneys
Do you mean that you are liable for 50% of premiums or 50% of uninsured medical.
I would hire an attorney immediately.
You need to be sure to keep the copy of the "insurance card" in a safe place & ready to show the judge!
Look on this website and on for an attorney in your area.