Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
va loans in a divorce
I am not divorce yet. I'm in the process of the divorce. It will be about 2 to 3 months before it is finalized. So how do I get my spouse out of the house or get her to refinance it? Is there any steps I can take to try to get my eliability back and make her get the house refinanced?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: va loans in a divorce
Don't you have a lawyer? If you want her out of the house, and she will not leave voluntarily, then you need a court order. As to specific particulars of the VA loan -- you or your lawyer need to contact the VA to determine their requirements.
Re: va loans in a divorce
You really need to ask this question to your divorce attorney. Generally, depending upon how you divide the community property; you might want to obtian a full release or have some stipulation that your spouse obtain financing within a specific timeframe after the date the decree is signed. If my law firm can assist you with this legal issue or any other legal matter, please contact my legal assistant Jennifer ([email protected]).