Legal Question in Family Law in Texas
my wife and I are not living together and we split the kids on a week to week parents currently take my children to school and pick them up on my week. My wife recently wrote a letter to the school saying they are not allowed to pick up the kids. There's no legal documentation that gives her sole custody of the kids or any other legal documentation at that.I have wrote a letter to the school since then saying that I give permission for my parents to pick them up is there anything that would prevent my parents from picking the kids up at school if I have given Them permission to?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Go to the school and ask their policy. They don't want to get involved in your family disputes. You probably need to file for divorce and ask for temporary orders. Many courts will not agree to the weekly 50/50 split so you probably want to enter into a Mediated Settlement Agreement so the court has to accept your 50/50 split. I recommend a mediator. Look on, texas mediator credentialing association or texas association of mediators in your county.
I am a full-time mediator but I don't know where you live. I mediate for counties all around the Houston area. - Galveston, Harris, Ft. Bend, Montogomery, etc.
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